Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Upper bounds & visualization tool

Here is a short overview of what I did over the past weeks:
  • fix bugs in visibility bounds
  • create a visualization tool (light tree, light cuts & precalculated visibility)
  • calculate optimal visibility bounds (i.e. perfect visibility estimation in bounds)
I finally found some major bugs in my visibility precalculation step (o.a. a wrong interval for the parameter of the rays). To test the new implementation I rendered the conference scene. This scene is lit by a number of large area light sources on the ceiling resulting in very soft shadows (i.e. no trivial occlusion).
The general settings used where:
  • samples/pixel: 1
  • resolution: 640x480
  • #light sources: 3000 (allows calculating a reference solution in an acceptable time frame)
  • maximum cut size: 1000
Rendering this scene with the lightcuts algorithm results in an average lightcut size of 126 and requires 3:50s. A relatively large fraction of this time (>50%) is consumed by the highly occluded pixels under the chairs and table. Rendering this scene using an optimal upper bound on the visibility (i.e. perfect detection of occluded clusters) results in an average cut size of 70 (44% less) so a significant improvement is possible. Rendering the scene using an estimated upper bound on visibility results in an average cut size of 95 (25% less then lightcuts) and a render time of 3:04s. Here the upper bound was estimated by dividing the scene in a grid of 100000 cells, selecting for each cell a number of clusters based on their solid angle (55 on average) and finally sampling each of these clusters with up to 1000 rays to assure it is occluded. This preprocess step is more expensive (about 5:00s) then actually rendering the image (with the given settings) but can be reused for arbitrary view points and/or image resolutions. The first image shows the relative reduction in cut size of this solution w.r.t. the lightcuts solution:Because only an upper bound is used, there is no improvement (i.e. 0% less cut size) but most of the occluded regions have a reduction of about 50% or more. The grid that was used for the visibility calculation is also clearly visible. The next image shows the relative distance from the optimal solution (i.e. (optimal cut - estimate cut)/optimal cut):Here it is clearly visible that some occlusion cannot be easily detected by using a grid subdivision: the upper part of the back of the chairs is occluded by the chair itself. The occluding geometry in this case is located at a very low angle w.r.t. the occluded points. But the cells used to calculate occlusion extend to a significant distance away from the chair and is only partly occluded. This could be solved by using smaller cells or taking geometric orientation of the surfaces into account for calculating visibility (ex. start the rays from a plane aligned to the local geometry instead of from within a fixed bounding box).

Over the past few weeks I also implemented (after suggestion by my counselor) a tool that allows interactive inspection of: the light tree, the light cuts used for each points and the visibility bounds precalculated for each cell. These are all visualized by drawing the scene and some bounding boxes (representing the data) with opengl. For the light tree all bounding boxes at a specific level of the hierarchy are shown. The following scene shows the 5th (out of 15) level of the light hierarchy calculated for the conference scene:
It is a top view of the 4 rows of light sources on the ceiling where each cluster is colored in a different color and an indication of the edges of these clusters. It is immediately apparent that an improvement is possible: there is a significant overlap between the clusters and the cluster sizes are quiet dissimilar even though all point light sources have the same intensity and orientation and are evenly distributed over the light sources. The cause is most likely the greedy bottom up approach used to cluster light sources which will produce the best cluster low in the hierarchy and possibly worse (due to its greedy nature) near the top. Intuitively this is not optimal as the lower part of the tree is unimportant for most light cuts and the upper part is used by all light clusters.
The next picture shows the visualization of the precalculated visibility for the selected cell under the chair (indicated by a red box):
The blue colored light clusters are detected as occluded and the orange onces as potentially unoccluded. The quality of this specific bound is better visible when these clusters are rendered from the perspective of the cell (disabling the depth test on the visibility data) as seen in the following image:
Finally the light cut calculated, on the same position as the previous image, using the lightcuts algorithm and the extension with an upper bound on visibility is shown in the following 2 images (each cluster has an individual color):

A clear reduction in the number of light clusters used is visible (from about 550 to 200).

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


At the end of my previous post I stated that the upper bound was responsible for most of the improvement w.r.t. render time. After re-running the test, it seems this statement was based on a typo. The render times when only an lower or upper bound on visibility are used are 4:56s and 4:50s so the improvement is about the same.

Monday, November 5, 2007

First visibility bounds

It has been some time since my last post. This is mostly due to preparations for my presentation about 1.5 weeks ago. In the time frame between 1.5 weeks ago and now I also had some other work (other presentation, ...) which further reduced the time left to work on my thesis.
Now that is out of the way, here is what I did do:
  • read some more papers on conservative visibility bounds
  • implement basic visibility bounds
The papers I read where:
  • Voxel Occlusion Testing: A Shadow Determination Accelerator for Ray Tracing - Woo A. & Amanatides J. (1990)
  • A Survey of Visiblity for Walkthrough Applications - Cohen-Or D., Chrysanthou Y., Claudio T. S. (2000)
These papers mostly confirmed my previous remark that most of the proposed algorithms can only be used in a preprocessing step (storing the result in some kind of spatial structure) to amortize their cost over a large number of pixels and/or frames.

After reading these papers I implemented a basic lower and upper bound on the visibility. To detect clusters that are completely unoccluded (i.e. the points where a lower bound can be calculated) I used the shaft culling algorithm mention in my previous post. To verify whether a specific shaft is empty, I use a bounding volume hierarchy that is constructed during the preprocessing phase to quickly reject most primitives. The test is however conservative because it will only succeed if the entire bounding box is outside the shaft and no real primitives are tested against the shaft. Because testing a shaft is still quiet expensive, it is only used for lightcluster in the upper part of the hierarchy. In the results presented at the end of this post such test is only performed up to level 4 of the light tree which limits the number of shafts per lightcut to 31.
For detecting cluster that are completely occluded I currently use a very simple approach where one occlusion value (all lights are either occluded or not) is calculated for all cells in a regular grid. To estimate the occlusion value, a number of random rays are shot between both bounding boxes and tested for occlusion. In the results presented at the end, the scene is subdivided in 1 million cells which each use up to 1000 rays for the estimate. It is however important to notice that most cells only use a small fraction of these rays because once an unoccluded ray is found, the cell is categorized as not unoccluded. In the scene used less then 1% of maximum number of rays (1 billion) is actually tested.

To test this implementation I used one of the scenes used by
Peter Shirley for testing radiosity. The scene consists of a room with a table with chairs lit by single area light source on the ceiling. The first and second pictures show the result of rendering this scene using regular lightcuts and lightcuts extended with the implementation described above and the following settings:
  • resolution: 640x480
  • samples/pixel: 4
  • area light approx.: 1024 point lights
  • render-machine: AMD X2 3800+ (single core used) with 1GB ram
  • lightcuts rel. error: 2%
  • max. cut size: 1000
The time required for these virtually indistinguishable images was 4:13s and 9:03s (50% reduction) with an average cut size of 46 and 126 (60% reduction). The reduction in render time is smaller due to the calculations involved (shaft culling & calculating lower bounds).

The following 2 images show the relative error (using a reference solution) for each pixel. The average relative error is 0.26% and 1.19% respectively. As expected using more tight bounds results in a relative error closer to the 2% target error.

The final image shows the relative reduction in cut size for each pixel. This reduction is largest in the occluded regions where the lightcuts algorithm uses the maximum cut allowed (i.e. 1000) and the extended implementation uses a minimal cut (i.e. 1). To verify that the upper bound on its own is not the major contributor to the improvement (i.e. making the lower bound useless in this scene) I rendered this scene using only a lower and only an upper bound on the visibility. The resulting cut sizes are 82 if only a lower bound on the visibility is used and 91 if only an upper bound on the visibility is used. The upper bound is however responsible for most of the reduction in render time.