During cut refinement the estimate of the mti is also improved using the bounds computed for the refined clusters. This means that not only the error bounds on the individual clusters drops, but also the mti and thus the maximum allowed error.
In pseudo-code the lightcut algorithm is something like this:
rootUpperBound = calc. upper bound root clusterThe lowering of the mti can result in some unexpected effects like a reduction in cut size for occluded pixels if the number of lights increases. This is caused by a cascade effect if too few light sources are used at these occluded pixels. At some point during cut refinement a leaf node is reached. Because the point is occluded, the mti will be significantly reduced (the previous node still had a non-zero upper bound). This results in more nodes that need to be refined which again results in new leaf nodes.
mti = rootUpperBound
root.maxerr = rootUpperBound
cut = [root]
while(largest cluster error in cut > some% of mti) {
cluster = remove cluster from cut with largest error
left = cluster.leftchild
right = cluster.rightchild
leftUpperBound = calc. upper bound left cluster
rightUpperBound = calc. upper bound right cluster
if(left is leaf)
left.maxerr = 0;
left.maxerr = leftUpperBound
if(right is leaf)
right.maxerr = 0
right.maxerr = rightUpperBound
mti -= cluster.maxerr
mti += leftUpperBound + rightUpperBound
cut = [cut left right]
The use of the mti instead of the reference image in the calculation of the maximum acceptable error also explains the large relative errors in shadow boundaries as visible in the error images of my previous post. In the highly occluded regions the mti is significantly higher then the real illumination due to the poor visibility bound (i.e. everything is visible), so the lightcuts algorithm will allow too large errors.
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